Sunday 31 March 2013

Fast Food Analysis ; Kaelan, Chang Han, Mason, Howe

Monday 25 March 2013

Bio Nutrition Analysis (Wai Kit, Ryan Tan, River, Farrell)

Macs, Texas Chicken, Burger King, Wendy's

1. McDonald’s- Fillet O’ Fish
Serving Size 156g
Calories (kcal) -> 470
Proteins (g) -> 15
Fat (g) -> 26
Saturated Fat (g) -> 5
Carbohydrates (g) -> 45
Sodiums (mg) -> 730
Cholesterol (mg) -> 50
Dietary Fibres (g) -> 1
Sugars 5g

This burger is made of fried fish and vegetable. Although fish is good for our health as it contains abundant proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, fried fish increases the heart attack risk to diners by almost 50 per cent. In contrast of drop off the risk of heart disease, frying the fish destroy the nutritional value of itself. Every fried food does no good for health certainly. It contribute to obesity and exaggerate the possibility of serious of disease.

  1. Burger king- Whopper
Serving Size 291g
Calories (kcal) -> 678
Proteins (g) -> 31
Fat (g) -> 37
Saturated Fat (g) -> 12
Carbohydrates (g) -> 45
Sodiums (mg) -> 911
Cholesterol (mg) -> 87
Dietary Fibres (g) -> 5
Sugars 12g

Whopper-With a single beef patty and lots of crunchy vegetables, in mayonnaise and tomato sauce. The whopper looks deceptively healthy. However, its ingredients contain a lot of preservatives, from the beef patty to the vegetables. It is also highly rich in sodium, calories and trans fats. 
This combination is a recipe for disaster which leads straight to obesity, along with increased risk of diabetes and cancer.

  1. Wendy’s- Beef Baconator
Serving Size 282g
Calories (kcal) -> 750
Proteins (g) -> 234
Fat (g) -> 29
Saturated Fat (g) -> 12
Carbohydrates (g) -> 45
Sodiums (mg) -> 1460
Cholesterol (mg) -> 100
Dietary Fibres (g) -> 3
Sugars 11g

Beef Baconator- High in saturated and trans fats, High in preservatives due to processed and preserved ingredients, extremely high in calories and sodium.
The combination of high sodium, fats and calories, leads to obesity easily. It also leads to increased risk of cancer due to preservatives and also type 2 diabetes. 
Regular consumption of burgers without anything else may lead to malnutrition due to lack of other vitamins not present in the burger, such as vitamin D.

  1. Texas Chicken- Tex Supreme
Serving Size 357g
Calories (kcal) -> 965
Proteins (g) -> 49
Fat (g) -> 62
Saturated Fat (g) -> 24
Carbohydrates (g) -> 57
Sodiums (mg) -> 720
Cholesterol (mg) -> 153
Dietary Fibres (g) -> 5
Sugars 14g

Tex supreme- Extra cheese inside this burger provide excess fat. Unsaturated fats are thought to reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. During food production, the high heat can convert the unsaturated fats into trans fats. The risk of coronary heart disease, certain forms of cancer (breast cancer) and conditions like diabetes will therefore increased. High blood pressure is also concerned.


One of the main ways that fast food restaurants cam make their menus healthier is to change the ingredients taht they use to make their burgers. For example, regular cooking oil can be replaced with olive oil or to simply reduce the amount of oil used. the portions of carbohydrates, vegetables and meat should also be changed to fit the food pyramid. This will ensure that consumers will get the right amounts of all nutrients. Also, fast food restaurants can change the drinks that they sell. Instead of coke or other carbonated drinks which contain lots of sugar, which are carbohydrates, these restaurants can introduce healthier alternatives like fruit juices, which will provide more vitamins.


By: Farrell Nah, Wai Kit, Ryan Tan, Pei Ming (River)

Restaurant Menu Analysis

1. McDonald’s Hotcakes
Current Nutritional Values
Calories (kcal) -> 557
Proteins (g) -> 9
Fat (g) -> 18
Saturated Fat (g) -> 5.8
Carbohydrates (g) -> 91
Sodiums (mg) -> 680
Cholesterol (mg) -> 20
Dietary Fibres (g) -> 3

The problem with the current McDonald’s hotcakes is that they have too much calories and sodiums. The amount of calories and sodiums should be cut down as it would be a healthy meal. Too much calories might result in obesity and if the amount of calories is reduced, consumers need not worry about being obese. Too much sodium will also cause the consumer to suffer from some diseases. So, I think that the amount of calories and sodiums should be cut down so as to give consumers a healthier meal.

2. KFC

Ingredients involved + Cooking techniques: 
Burger– Bread, deep fried chicken, lettuce, cheese, special sauce
Whipped Potato– Potato, gravy
Cheese Fries– Cheese, Mayonnaise, Chopped Fresh Spring Onions, Fried Potato

Health Hazards/Benefits: 
A lot of fried foods can lead to heavy oil/fat contents. This may cause the body to have too much fats which may lead to the clogging of arteries. 
Meat and carbohydrates are dominant in the menu, thus it is lacking appropriate amounts of fibre. Lack of fibre can cause constipation. 
The ‘sauces’ may have high sodium content which can lead to high blood pressure. 

Improvements to be made: 
Chicken can be grilled instead of deep fried, and if frying is used vegetable oil is a healthier alternative to regular oil. 
More vegetables can be added into the menu, for example in the burger (cucumbers, pickles). 
Sauces can use natural flavorings instead of artificial ones. 

3. Subway
What ingredients and cooking methods are used in the menu

  • bread
  • minced beef patties
  • cheese
  • mushroom
  • chicken
  • potatoes (fries)
  • lettuce
  • tomatoes

  • deep fry method is used
  • grilled

  1. Health hazards & benefits. 

  • fatty/ oily
  • High oil content -> fats

vegetables ->provide vitamins

  1. Improvements to be made

  • Use better cooking methods (grill/ steam)
  • Add less salt when cooking
  • Put more vegetables into the burgers

4. Burger King

Singles Mushroom Swiss Burger MEAL

MAIN BURGER: Singles Mushroom Swiss Burger
  • Addition of lettuce and tomato for more dietary fibre.
  • Instead of frying the beef patties, grill it or shallow fry it instead.

SIDE DISH: French Fries (M)
  • Prevent deep frying by shallow frying or baking the fries to reduce fat amounts.
  • Use vegetable or olive oil (less saturated (has more of the good cholesterol and won't clog up arteries)) to fry the dry.

DRINK: Coca Cola 
  • Drink Diet Coke instead as it contains less sugars.
  • Serve water or non-carbonated drinks instead.

By: Carissa, Desiree, Jemima, Justin

Monday 14 January 2013

Definition of Death - Grp 4

Link to presentation :

The Definition of Life

1. To be legally dead means when a person disappears and no identifiable remains can be located, and is subsequently declared legally dead. A legal death can also be a legal pronouncement by a qualified person that further medical care is not appropriate and that a patient should be considered dead under the law.
To be medically dead means the cessation of blood circulation and breathing, the two necessary criteria to sustain life. Should one have these symptoms, one should be declared dead.

Example: Mr Chua has stopped breathing and his pulse has stopped, is he dead?

2. Definitions of death have not changed a great deal, but that doesn't mean much. All we can really do is set criteria for who's dead, and that is tough enough, and we have no real definitive set of standards.
Different cultures have different ways of accepting death and different procedures to follow after the confirmation of death. Some believe in reincarnation and some believe a following into heaven or hell.

Example: Mr Chua has been declared dead, is he in heaven or attained nirvana?

3. Brain death occurs when a person no longer has any activity in their brain stem and no potential for consciousness, even though a ventilator is keeping their heart beating and oxygen circulating through their blood. When brain stem function is permanently lost, the person will be confirmed dead.
Brain dead is the irreversible end of all brain activity. Some of the criteria would be the person being unresponsive. There will be no facial sensation or response. There would be no response to light directly in their eyes.

Example: Mr Chua is dead, can he still sneeze?

4. Someone in a persistent vegetative state can show signs of wakefulness (they may open their eyes, for example) but have no response to their surroundings.

However, the important difference between PVS and brain death is that a patient with PVS still has a functioning brain stem, therefore:
Some form of consciousness may exist in someone in a PVS.
A person in a PVS can still breathe unaided.
A person in a PVS has a slim chance of recovering because the core functions of the brain stem are often unaffected, whereas a person with brain death has no chance of recovery as the body cannot survive without artificial support.

Example: Mr Chua has been in a coma for 3 years, yet he is still breathing and his core functions are still functioning, is he dead or in a vegetative state?

5. There is no strict way of defining death. Some of the other ethical issues would be concerning the certainty of diagnosis and about the medical steps that may be taken after death is pronounced. The definition of death is a moral issue and that confronting it as such vindicates the higher-brain approach.

For example, in the past, people were declared dead if organs were missing. However, due to technological advancements, organ transplants and blood transfusions have been made possible and have allowed people in near-death situations to survive. This has led to the ethical implication of people surviving when they should have been dead instead.

Human organs have been made possible to replace with other animal organs such as pigs, who have similar organs as people.

Example: Mr Chua’s organs are missing, is he dead?

By: Carissa, Chang Han, River, Crystal and Desiree :)